Supercharge Your Workflow - Essential Obsidian Templates Revealed

Filipe Donadio
Filipe Donadio

Table of Contents

Today, I’ll be sharing my 3 go-to Obsidian templates that have completely transformed the way I work. With the introduction of exciting features like Canvas and the new Bookmarks plugin, Obsidian has become my ultimate productivity hub. So, let’s dive in and explore these templates together. If you prefer, there's a video about these templates. Check it out:

Daily Notes

To kick things off, let’s talk about the daily notes template. I’ve simplified it into three sections: journal, capture, and highlights. Using eye-catching colored blocks called Callouts, I keep my notes visually appealing. Starting my day by answering the question, “What’s on my mind right now?” helps me clear mental clutter and approach the day with more clarity. The capture section is perfect for jotting down ideas, interesting articles, videos, and podcasts I come across. By linking them to relevant topics, I can easily find and share them later. And at the end of the day, the highlights section allows me to celebrate what went well and prepare for the next day.

> [!info]+ Journal
> *What's on my mind right now?*
> ...

> [!note]+ Capture
> - 

> [!success]+ Highlight of the day
> - 

Project Template

Have you ever felt overwhelmed when starting a new project? I’ve been there too! That’s why I created a project template that includes essential sections and information. The template includes the project plan, goals, budget, timeline, milestones, and resources. By breaking down the project into manageable parts and having all the necessary details at hand, I can avoid getting stuck in planning mode and get things done efficiently.

## The Plan

## Goals and success metrics

## What is my ultimate purpose for doing this?

## Budget

## Project Timeline
Start date: Wed Jun 28 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

## Milestones and deliverables
What are the most important results I must produce for a successfully completed project?
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- [ ]  

## Resources & Ideas

Status: #active

Weekly Planner

Say goodbye to endless to-do lists! The weekly planner template has been a game-changer for me. As a highly visual person, using the Canvas feature in Obsidian allows me to create a visually appealing and flexible planner. Every Sunday, I make a copy of the template, rename it with the year and week number, and move it to my Logbook folder. It helps me focus on my goals, commitments, and priorities for the upcoming week. By breaking down major goals into actionable tasks and allowing flexibility for unexpected changes, this template keeps me on track and reduces chaos.

Weekly plan using Obsidian Canvas


There you have it—my essential Obsidian templates that have revolutionized my productivity and organization. Whether it’s simplifying daily note-taking, managing projects, or planning my week, Obsidian has become my trusty companion. These templates have helped me stay focused, clear-minded, and achieve my goals more effectively. So why not give them a try and see how they can elevate your productivity game? Remember, it’s all about finding what works best for you. Enjoy!


Filipe Donadio Twitter

I'm a software engineer and YouTuber. I make videos about note-taking and knowledge management apps like Obsidian, Logseq, Roam Research, and Notion.