Obsidian Workflow - Personal Knowledge Management using Dataview plugin

Filipe Donadio
Filipe Donadio

Table of Contents

I have been using Obsidian daily for managing my notes for more than a year now. In this period I have tested the most varied plugins available and my favorite is Dataview. This is a plugin that allows you to create custom views to present data from all your notes in lots of cool ways.

It is fundamental in my workflow for note-taking from all the types of content I have consumed such as articles, videos, and courses. What I like most is that it doesn't matter much how I organize the notes. All I need to do is use metadata fields and create visualizations showing the most important information.

Here's how my setup looks like:

Screenshot of my favorite page in my Obsidian vault
My favorite page in my Obsidian vault (click the image to make it larger).

I created a page called Knowledge Sources Dashboard. It is composed of 3 sections:

  • Internet Exploration - Everything I consume from articles, YouTube videos, and newsletters.
  • Books - Notes written in my own words about the books I read.
  • Courses - Notes I write when I take a course.

The sections are sorted by frequency of consumption. Internet Exploration is on top because I use it more often, with the books section coming after, and lastly the courses I take occasionally. I like this separation exactly to try to maintain a balance in my knowledge sources. If I see that I am only consuming one type of content more than another, I try to balance it. For example, I don't want to go months without reading a book or taking a good course. Every time I open this panel I can notice imbalances and better plan what kind of content to consume.

Get the most out of Obsidian

I send occasional email updates with tutorials, links to articles, and content that I recently enjoyed. I'd love for you to join:

    How to set up

    I use 3 plugins for this setup:

    • Dataview to generate the tables automatically.
    • QuickAdd to quickly add new notes using specific templates. I use one command for each content source (Add Item, Add Book, and Add Course).
    • Obsidian Buttons to create buttons that when pressed run one of the QuickAdd commands.

    These are the code blocks of the 3 sections:

    [[Internet Exploration]] 🌐

            medium AS Medium,
            topics AS Topics,
            shared AS "Email share?"
        FROM #InternetExploration AND -"003 Templates"
        SORT file.ctime DESC
        LIMIT 5
        name New Item
        type command
        action QuickAdd: Add Item

    [[Books]] πŸ“š

            ("![cover|80](" + cover + ")") as Cover,
            file.link AS Title,
            author AS "Author",
            date AS "Date read",
            rating AS "Rating"
        FROM #Books AND -"003 Templates"
        SORT date DESC
        LIMIT 5
        name New Book
        type command  
        action QuickAdd: Add Book

    [[Courses]] πŸŽ“

            file.link AS Title,
            status AS Status,
            topics AS Topics,
            cost AS Cost
        FROM #Courses AND -"003 Templates"
        SORT file.ctime DESC
        LIMIT 5
        name New Course
        type command
        action QuickAdd: Add Course


    Finally, these are the 3 templates I use for the notes in this system:

    ## Metadata
    type:: #InternetExploration
    shared:: No
    ## Metadata
    type:: #Books 
    ## Metadata
    type:: #Courses
    status:: #ToDo

    That’s it! I hope you found this article useful, thanks for reading. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to send me a message.

    I made a video with more details about my workflow.

    Filipe Donadio Twitter

    I'm a software engineer and YouTuber. I make videos about note-taking and knowledge management apps like Obsidian, Logseq, Roam Research, and Notion.